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Question 1 of 6
Do you currently use Microsoft Office products?
I'd be willing to switch.
Question 2 of 6
Have you ever used any graphics or video editing apps?
Yes, I have.
Yes, but just basic editing.
No, I've never used any.
Question 3 of 6
What kind of materials do you need right now?
Single-page materials (checklist or media one-sheet)
Video materials
Multi-page materials (free report, ebook)
Question 4 of 6
Where do you need to use these materials?
I need graphical materials for my social media accounts.
I need to create supplementary materials for my course.
I need to make promotional videos.
Question 5 of 6
Which of the following sounds like you?
I'd like to learn how to create my workbooks and ebooks.
I'd like to learn an easy way to make various kinds of videos.
I'd like to make digital and print graphics.
Question 6 of 6
Where do you see yourself using these materials?
Social media
For print ads
As a free download
For my online course